Friday, December 30, 2011

Dear Jane.....

My Dear Jane journey started in 2009 and after abut 18 months I was over it! My patience ran out, so the project was shelved, until mid 2011 Sandra at Foothills - Tecoma showed me a pic of a quilt she saw on her US travels which incorporated a "DJ" style block. After a light bulb moment and some pattern drafting - Jane's School house was born. Each school house incorporates the finished DJ blocks.


  1. Julz, you've been doing a bit of catching up on your blog page ! I really like your Dear Jane, especially how the blocks are set into the houses........ do you have a pattern or did you make it up as you went???/

  2. love how your quilt turned out!

  3. I have about 80 red and white DJ blocks that I need to do something with. I wish I had used solid red and white instead of red with white prints and white with red prints. Maybe I can incorporate them like this. What size are your school houses?

    1. I think from memory I found a school house block pattern and then resized/drafted it to fit the DJ block. I can't even remember how big the finished blocks were. You may find something if you google it. Good luck.
